BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 15.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20170331T081251Z DESCRIPTION:Industry of Things World USA 2017 \n\nUSA | February 20 - 21\, 2017\n\nKey Themes 2015:\n\n* Business model: Understand the impact IoT will have on your current bu siness model and how to stay ahead of the curb\n\n* New markets: Fin d out how to capitalize on IoT to take advantage of the new markets in thi s connected world\n\n* Product lifecycle management: Discover the se crets behind efficient and effective product and lifecycle management for your future strategies\n\n* Data: Be part of conversations that matt er about next generation data handling strategies. How is IoT determining the value of data?\n\n* Organizational structure: Realise the potent ial of IoT in your current business and how it will affect your organizati onal structure\n\n* Security: Learn how to secure your operational t echnology and IoT applications for a safer business ecosystem\n\nKeynotes 2015:\n\n* Filippo Passerini\, Group President Global Business Servi ces & CIO\, Procter & Gamble\n\n* Oliver Gassmann\, Professor of Inn ovation Management\, Managing Director of the Institute of Technology Mana gement\, University of St. Gallen\n\n* Martin Ford\, ‎Valley Entre preneur\, Futurist and Speaker\n\n* Cornelia Schaurecker\, Head of D ata Lab\, Volkswagen\n\n* Richard Soley\, Executive Director\, Indus trial Internet Consortium\n\n* Moshe Rappaport\, Executive Technolog y Briefer\, IBM Research\n\n* Rhonda Vetere\, CTO\, Estee Lauder\n\n and many more …\n \nFor more information please contact the Industry of Things World USA 201 6 team by following this link .\n\n DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20171028 DTSTAMP:20141103T104907Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20171026 LAST-MODIFIED:20170331T081251Z LOCATION:San Diego\, CA\, USA PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=de:Delivery of Things World USA 2017 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E0080000000000CB56E15BF7CF01000000000000000 010000000234E2456F5409C4986A2CDCF43EAB912 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n

Delivery of Things World USA 2017< /SPAN>


October 26-27\, 2017  |  San Die go\, CA\, USA< SPAN LANG="de">


Book you r ticket now for Delivery of Things World USA 2017< /SPAN> and take a look at this year’s< SPAN LANG="de"> agenda< SPAN LANG="de">.


< /SPAN>Key Themes 2017:

\n\n< P DIR=LTR>·\;       How does continu ous delivery impact customer experience\, productivity\, costs &\; prof itability\, speed &\; application delivery?


·\;       Increasing capabilities in automation\, continuous delivery\, continuous i ntegration\, automated testing and application monitoring


·\;< SPAN LANG="de">       Overcoming cultural inhibitors &\; process issues


·\;       < SPAN LANG="de"> Simplifying and standardizing the development and product ion environments


For further information about the even t\, check out: http://< /A>


Register online and check our attracti ve < SPAN LANG="en-us">team rates for this event.


Should you have any questions p lease don’t hesitate to contact us directly.


Barbara Brouwer



< SPAN LANG="de">Marketi ng Manager< SPAN LANG="en-us"> – you.CONECT

\n\ n

T: +49 30 52 10 70 3 - 202  |  F: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3< /SPAN> – 30



E-Mail: [email protected] |  W: http://delive


< /SPAN>