To access the confidential event info and conect'in, please login below with
the email and password you received when registering.
To access the confidential event info and conect'in, please login below with
the email and password you received when registering.
Get in touch with your peers before the conference to arrange meetings, coordinate details during the event and ensure you stay in touch long after!
Based on your profile and interests conect'in finds the best partner matches for you without the hassle of going through every single company.
conect'in gathers interests, needs, offerings, services and solutions as well as up to date end user project information for your convenience and creates an interactive online community where honest, open and confidential knowledge sharing is taking place.
With conect'in you can:
conect'in: be part of the community!
If we can help you in any way, please contact:
Eva Berner
Phone: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 21
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